Work to ensure all your office and mobile technology is up and running, data is secure, available across devices, and backed up.
Provide website support such as design/redesign that is mobile optimized, user friendly, and provide training on how to do content changes for owner or staff.
Support your software and web applications on site or remotely.
Offer training and support on site or remotely.
Setup & Solve Problems with Network Connections: WIFI, Cabled, Router, Remote
Setup Find Solutions to Problems with Desktop, Laptop
Solve Problems with Tablets, Smart Phones
Setup Printer, Scanner, Camera, Video Devices, Sound Devices, Retail Devices, & Other Hardware
We can provide remote support accessible via Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or Windows Quick Assist / Remote Assistance.
Contact Us If you need help or if you just have questions?
Microsoft Windows, Apple, Linux
We can provide remote support accessible via Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or Windows Quick Assist / Remote Assistance.
Contact Us If you need help or if you just have questions?
MOBILE DEVICES - Cell Phones & Tablets
Apple iOS
Contact Us If you need help or if you just have questions?
We provide support for technical issues you are having with your software and application needs, so you can focus on what you do best with your business.
Provide support for Microsoft Office applications, Google Workspace applications, and other industry specific applications that reside on your computer, or are accessed via a web based application.
Provide remote support accessible via Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or Windows Quick Assist / Remote Assistance.
Contact Us If you need help or if you just have questions?
It is highly recommended to have a sound Backup Plan to protect against and recover from: Wear, Device Failure, Inaccessibility due to Accidental Damage, Theft, Lost, Fire, Flooding, Heat, Magnetic, or Cyber Attack.
Onsite backup storage for Desktop or Laptop:
Utilize an external backup drive to store a copy of your business and personal data. A backup drive can be a SDD, HDD, or USB thumb drive.
Be sure to maximize services that you already use and see if backup options are included.
Windows operating system on laptop and desktop has backup software to work with a backup drive.
Apple operating system on MacBook or Mac desktop has backup software to work with a backup drive.
Subscription based or third-party software packages are available to work with a backup drive on either Windows or Apple.
Cloud Based backup storage for Laptop or Desktop using one or more secure platforms for storage:
Be sure to maximize services that you already use and see if backup options are included or available to use.
Microsoft OneDrive, Apple iCloud, Google Drive, Amazon Drive, Dropbox, Acronis.
There are free and subscription-based storage options.
Determine your storage needs and be sure to utilize services that you already use that may have backup options. If more storage is needed beyond your current or proposed subscription limit, more can be purchased at reasonable rates.
Cloud Based Storage for Mobile
Android uses Google server. Ensure this is turned on and taking place.
iCloud automatically backs up your iPhone daily when iPhone is connected to power, locked, and connected to Wi-Fi. One needs to ensure this is taking place.
If more storage is needed beyond your current or proposed subscription limit, more can be purchased at reasonable rates.
Contact Us if you would like help with exploring options to back up your data or would like help to setup backup solutions.
Taking advantage of at least one of these digital storage options, can be a good idea to safeguard your photos taken from your smartphone. Don't leave this to chance.
Microsoft OneDrive: offers 5GB free storage, after that a subscription for more storage is required. However, those with a Microsoft 365 subscription are given a generous 1TB of storage. To explore Microsoft 365 subscriptions, see our Microsoft or Google page.
Google Photos: offers free storage but sets a limit on photo size. Google Storage is used across Google Drive, Gmail and Google Photos. If you have a personal Gmail account, you are allocated 15 GB free data storage. if larger size photo storage is needed then a subscription will be required. If more storage is needed in general, go to Google Drive and touch the Get More Storage button on the bottom menu on left side of screen. From there explore options and cost.
iPhone Cloud: offer of storage of photos is different from a backup solution. It does store a copy of photos, but when one photo is deleted on a device, it is deleted from iCloud storage as well. If that is a problem, then one of the other solutions mentioned here can work in addition to iCloud or separate by itself.
Amazon Photos: offers free storage to those with an Amazon Prime subscription. If more storage is needed explore your account options for additional storage and cost.
Contact Us if you would like help with exploring options to backup your photo's or would like help to setup backup solutions.
DATA RETRIEVAL - From Desktop or Laptop Due to Damage, Loss, or Accidentally Deleted
Retrieve Data from SSD - Solid State Drive, HDD - Hard Disk Drive, or other Storage Devices using what is called Soft or Software Measures.
Accidentally Deleted data can in most cases be recovered, cost is from $50 to $150.
Data recovery from a failing SSD that can be accessed or a HDD (with hard drive platters that are able to spin) cost is from $150 to $300.
If data cannot be recovered via Software Measures from an SSD or HDD:
We can recommend an outsource service to send an SSD and HDD device to, and they will provide a quote to do the work if data can be recovered.
Most SSD and HDD that are outsourced to for recovery begin at $400 and can go up to $2000+.
It is a good idea to have a good working and accessible backup of your data to avoid extra costs for recovery. It is much easier to replace a hard drive and restore backup data to it then to recover data.
Contact Us If you need help or if you just have questions?
DATA RETRIEVAL - From Smartphones
Need to retrieve a conversation from your SMS / Text Messaging on your mobile device?
We can obtain complete messages or message threads of conversation in a date and time format that can be used to present in a dispute matter if needed.
Obtain data from cell phone device if not backed up on the cloud, assuming device and media involved are not damaged beyond recovery.
Contact Us If you need help or if you just have questions?
WEBSITE DESIGN/REDESIGN - Responsive, Secure, Affordable
Do you have questions about or problems with your current website or web consultants?
If you need to build a basic to intermediate website or need to update a current website so that it works on any device such as a Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, or Smartphone, and don't have the time or know where to begin to setup or maintain your website, Contact Us.
Are you questioning the pricing structure of your website, it's hosting, website builder application, or your web consultants, do you have on going additional fees that are stacking up that seem to not be effective?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please reach out to us for a free consultation to help you sort things out and establish a plan that you are comfortable with. Contact Us
Our goal is to setup a website that adapts to different devices, and then empower, train and equip you the owner staff or employee to handle common changes and updates to content, graphics, or media on your own.
By empowering you or your people to manage changes, this reduces cost to your business. We are available only when you need us.
We can be available on site or remotely via Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, or Windows Quick Assist / Remote Assistance.
We can be available via a limited user account with a website provider or your website builder application to help with changes if needed with your permission.
We can offer you reasonable cost-effective solutions according to your business needs.
Your need will be determined, and then a website builder platform will be recommended. Pricing will be clear and reasonable for you to make a decision.
A website builder that is user friendly is recommended because, it makes it easy for you or a staff member to use, maintain, and update content without the use of computer code, nor need to call a consultant every time you need to make a change. Training can be provided for you your staff or an employee that you trust.
Your website can be built or redesigned with basic to innovative themes, and everything is approved by you first before publishing your website.
Analytic reporting is available that gives you information about traffic and most used portions of the website, and search information, and more. These reports go to you.
There are different webhost providers that provide great value that do not carry huge ongoing monthly costs, depending on your needs.
Monthly costs for webhosting can vary according to your need and can range from $2/Month to $15/Month or more.
Contact Us with your questions.
Fill a training specific need for owner or staff to learn how to use a specific software or App.
Provide onsite training, and remote training via Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype.
Can provide customized training via video created specifically for your needs and made available private to you or your business on YouTube.
Need to get a quick understanding of how to use an app in Microsoft 365 or Google Apps or Google Workspace? See Free Vendor Tutorials here: Microsoft or Google
Contact Us with your questions.
Cybersecurity is affected directly and indirectly by choices that you and I make.
Learn 4 Simple Steps that everyone can do from our Cybersecurity Tips.
Do you need to be an IT professional to protect yourself, family, or business, employee, or employer? It would be nice, but no you don't.
Some education on this subject is a good idea to know what to look for.
Following some simple tips of doable actions can potentially save you and others from becoming the victim of a cyberattack or cybercrime.
If you are a victim of a cybercrime or if your personal data has been compromised in a data breach, see our Cybersecurity Tips for advice.
Contact Us if you have questions about or need help with your IT needs.